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sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Unit 2: ‘Food and health’


Peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc; are all pulses.
My golf score is an average of all my game scores.
dairy products
Cheese, milk and butter are dairy products.
hardly, barely
apenas, casi nada
She hardly eat fruit, even if the doctor has recommended it to her.
receta médica
If your doctor thinks you are ill, he will give you a prescription.
come down with the flu/catch a cold
coger la gripe/ coger un resfriado
People often say the ‘have come down with the flu’, when, in fact, they have just caught a cold.
to fight a virus
atacar un virus
Vitamin C helps the body fight any virus.
wash cells out/get rid of
eliminar, quedarse sin
Your body then starts to make a fluid to wash the cells out.
blow your nose/runny nose 
sonarse la nariz
Your nose is running all the time and you have to blow it.
blocked nose
nariz taponada

junk food
comida basura


high in calories
alto en calorías

low in fat
bajo en grasas

crash diet
dieta de choque

cut down
reducir el consumo
She’s been feeling much better since she cut down fried food.
rely on / depend on
depender de
Many developing countries rely on a few basic crops for food.



strengthen (vb) – strength – strong
believe – belief – believable
science – scientist – scientific
defend –defensive – defense
develop – developing – development
differ – different – difference
heighten – high – height
lose – lost – loss

BIG BANG THEORY: Series 6 Episode 10 – The Fish Guts Displacement
1.     I think I’m too sick to go to the funeral.
2.     Aren’t you gonna take care of me?

3.     When you’re feeling better, you’ll think that’s funny.
4.     I made a commitment in writing to comfort you in times like this.
5.    It’s like you’re not even trying to get better.
6.     Sheldon, you don’t get over the flu in half an hour.
7.     Do you believe in the placebo effect?
8.     It is really a powerful medication specifically designed to cure your illness.
9.     I still have to put a cold rag (paño) on your head.
10.  Now you’re being a responsible patient.

go back [return to a place] – Shall we go back to Spain for our holiday this year?
go down [become less/lower] – His temperature has suddenly gone down.
go off [explode] – A bomb went off yesterday evening and destroyed the building.
go on [happen] – What’s going on there?
go up [become higher] – Prices have gone up so much lately, haven’t they?

I argue with my wife all the time, we never seem to see eye to eye on anything.
‘I can’t find my pen.’ ‘It’s there, right under your nose.’
Do tell us what happened; we are all ears.
When the fire started, the old lady lost her head and began screaming.
You will still have a runny nose, but you’ll soon be as right as rain.
Lucy is in hospital. She’s going to have an operation. [ingresado]
The last time I was in the hospital was when I visited my sick aunt. [de visita]
He complain to the police about a noise his neighbours were making all the time. [quejarse sobre algo ajeno]
My son often complains of headaches. [quejarse sobre algo propio]
He was seriously ill, but he is now out of danger.
Are you in pain?
I’ve been feeling off colour recently.
Don’t take a medicine on an empty stomach.